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When applying essential oils to the body, especially the feet, you must be confident in the quality and the life force therapeutic grade of the oil you choose.  The pores of the feet readily absorb whatever they are exposed to. Your goal as a Reflex-OIL-ogist is to help the body eradicate toxins, so you must be careful that what you apply to the skin is not adding toxins.


98% of essential oils are perfume grade and may undergo multiple distillations, high heat and high pressure during distillation;  the addition of solvents to break down the plant materials or synthetic chemicals to enhance the product's appeal. This squeezes every last drop of oil from the leaves, flowers, stems and bark of plants giving the producers an economic edge.


Health and wellness do not have an economic edge. Your best results will come by using the cleanest and purest products available.


I have used many essential oils from a wide variety of companies over the last three decades. I was often disappointed in the results obtained when using various oils.  Lavender oil burnt my skin when applied to a cut even tho what I read said it was great for skin issues.  I later learned that many companies compromise their oils with additives and even “pure all natural” ones can burn. Lavadin oil is a popular additive as it smells sweetly like lavender but it contains the constituent of camphor, which would not be comfortable on an open cut!



During our Reflex-OIL-ogy™ classes, we teach in single essential oils. We recognize that not everyone uses the same essential oil brand. So we want to honor your preference and mostly teach in single oils. 



I was introduced to Young Living Essential Oils back in 1998 and as soon as I smelled them I could tell there was a difference. These oils seemed to be alive, and in fact they are!  I added them to my Reflexology practice and my clients could really feel the difference.  Thus the beginnings of Reflex-OIL-ogy!




I invite you to explore, study and research essential oils and the many companies that are now offering opportunities.  It is only because of the dedication of Gary Young, the Founder of Young Living that we have so many essential oil companies now.  It was back in 1985 when Gary planted his first lavender fields which lead to the beginning of a company that would change the way we use essential oils. 

I hope you will choose Young Living Essential Oils to use on your loved ones.  If so, I would be honored if you chose me as your Enroller and Sponsor.  I welcome you into our Divine Oiler Family.  Click here to learn more!

Laurie Azzarella (NCBTMB # 1497, ARCB #SA00173, MS #146, FL #50-22757) is the Founder and Director of Reflex-Oil-ogy™ and has been an Ingham Reflexology Instructor for the International Institute of Reflexology since 1996. She is also a Young Living Essential Oils Diamond Leader and has been sharing essential oils since 2000.  Laurie moved from North Tonawanda, New York to Daphne, Alabama in 1998 where she continued to teach in multiple arenas and massage schools on the Gulf Coast sharing her love of Essential Oils and Reflexology. 


Laurie Azzarella Provider: NCBTMB # 1497, ARCB #P00173, MSBMT #146, FL #50-22757, IIR Phase V, NCRE #0023

Reflex-OIL-ogy™ is also known as ReflexOILogy

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