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Reflex-OIL-ogy™ of the Body System
EPRT™ - Emotional Pathway Release Technique™

Chronic pain, patterns of discomfort, emotional upsets, personality outbursts and even organ disfunction can be caused by emotional issues that become areas of congestion within our bodies. 


Past traumatic occurrences can have lingering effects that we are not consciously aware of.  Our sympathetic nervous system can react in many ways and if left unresolved can manifest in a physical change

or personality quirk.  


EPRT™ helps us to connect the dots

with a sequential technique to isolate

and release the stuck trauma from our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional bodies through our soles.  


It incorporates the limbic system using essential oils, meridian and energy pathways, nervous and hormonal systems and of course the reflex areas of the feet.   


Laurie Azzarella, Founder of EPRT™, has been using this technique on clients since 2010. The results have shown to be life changing and long lasting. The EPRT™ sequence engages all the communication systems of the body and yields an influential shift in Spirit, Mind and Body. 


EPRT™ is a 16 ceu hour program taught in modules.  The Introduction

to EPRT™ is a 6 hour course and will give you a unique system to help eradicate congestion within the reflex areas and clear emotional pathways. It is a very beneficial tool that you can easily implement into your sessions and provide an avenue for identification and resolution of long standing issues in a positive and non-threatening way using Reflex-OIL-ogy™ Techniques.  


The Advanced EPRT™ class is also 6 hours and provides even more tools and strategies incorporating the principles of TCM, Five Element Theory, Chakra Balancing and Energy Reading. This class incorporates the origin of pathologies with the emotional pathways relevant to the nervous and hormonal system development. 


Both Reflex-OIL-ogy™ for Emotional Wellness classes; Depression and Anxiety and Grief, Guilt and Sadness are each 2 ceu hour classes. They uncover the causes and symptoms of these culturally prevalent emotions and provide a practical hands on protocol complete with essential oils for the reflex areas of the feet.


Any of these classes will enable you to finally identify and resolve your innermost long standing issues in a positive and non-threatening way.  

EPRTâ„¢ Emotional Pathway Release Technique


Reflex-OIL-ogy™ of the Body System

EPRT - Emotional Pathway Release Technique



​Our EPRT™ - Emotional Pathway release Technique™

is a total 16 hour program presented in shorter classes:

Introduction to EPRT™     6 hr, 6 CEU

Advanced EPRT™             6 hr, 6 CEU

Anxiety & Depression       2 hr, 2 CEU

Grief, Guilt & Sadness      2 hr, 2 CEU


Classes may be taken in any sequence


Provider: Laurie Azzarella 

NCBTMB Provider #1497

ARCB Provider #SA00173

MS Provider #146

FL #50-22757




For more information
Laurie Azzarella

Laurie Azzarella (NCBTMB # 1497, ARCB #SA00173, MS #146, FL #50-22757) is the Founder and Director of Reflex-Oil-ogy™ and has been an Ingham Reflexology Instructor for the International Institute of Reflexology since 1996.  She is also a Young Living Essential Oils Diamond Leader and has been sharing essential oils since 2000.  Laurie moved from North Tonawanda, New York to Daphne, Alabama in 1998 where she continued to teach in multiple arenas and massage schools on the Gulf Coast sharing her love of Essential Oils and Reflexology. 


Laurie Azzarella Provider: NCBTMB # 1497, ARCB #P00173, MSBMT #146, FL #50-22757, IIR Phase V, NCRE #0023

Reflex-OIL-ogy™ is also known as ReflexOILogy

International Institute of Reflexology
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