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Family Care with Reflex-OIL-ogy™ - Online Course
Family Care with Reflex-OIL-ogy™ - Online Course

Online Home Study Course


Online Home Study Course

Family Care with Reflex-OIL-ogy™ - Online Course

This webinar will empower you with tools to help yourself and your loved ones overcome the common aches we all deal with at one time or another. You will be guided to use your ESSENTIAL OILS on the Reflex Areas of the feet to help your body restore healthy balance.

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Online Home Study Course

Online Home Study Course

About the Event

Family Care with ReflexOILogy™ ONLINE Home Study Course

$25.00 (This course does not offer CEUs)

Instructor: Laurie Azzarella, LMT, CRR, Reflex-OIL-ogy™ Executive Director

Please join Laurie Azzarella with Reflex-OIL-ogy™ for this informative Home Study ONLINE Course.

The course is presented via videos with corresponding reading material, important facts to remember and outlines to fill in as if you were sitting in a class room.

Family Care with Reflex-OIL-ogy™  

This Recored webinar will empower you with new tools to help yourself and your loved ones overcome the common aches we all deal with at one time or another. You will be guided to use your ESSENTIAL OILS on the Reflex Areas of the feet to help your body restore healthy balance in a non-invasive, non-medicated natural way. 

You will be guided with hands on instruction by Laurie Azzarella, Founder of Reflex-OIL-ogy™ through video and lecture. All you need are a few of your ESSENTIAL OILS and a pair of feet - which can be your own! You will be empowered to help yourself and others relieve the discomfort from the following common aches and more…


You will learn how to locate and manipulate the Reflex Area to the Hypothalamus and Pituitary - and learn what they are - to help with headaches caused by fevers, blood pressure and hormonal imbalance. You will see how easy this is to use even on infants and children. 


A typical complaint for babies and young children but more and more adults complain of indigestion and bowel issues. You will learn how to work on infants as well as yourself, children and adults to help restore balance to the intestines.


Another common childhood ache that prompts every parent to wish they could do something to help relieve their child’s pain in some way. Reflex-OIL-ogy™ empowers you with hands on tools to give comfort that works. You can also work this Reflex Area to help with Vertigo, Motion Sickness and other ear issues. 


Whether the throat is sore from sinus drainage, yelling too much or from an infection, you can give comfort using Reflex-OIL-ogy™ to young and old alike.


You will be given a list of Essential Oils to use during your class when you register as well as an Outline of the class to follow and take notes on. We want you to feel confident to be able to apply what you will learn in this class.  

Reflex-OIL-ogy™ can help you and your family live a more vibrant and healthy life and give you a way to use your ESSENTIAL OILS with more precision and purpose. We look forward to sharing with you!  

This class does not offer CEU's

If you have any questions please contact Reflex-OIL-ogy™ at 251-209-4949 or

Course MUST be paid in advance prior to getting authorization into the course.

You will have 60 days to complete course. More time is available if needed.


  • Family Care with ReflexOILogy™

    You will receive information on how to log in to your course. You will have 60 Days to complete course.




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Laurie Azzarella Provider: NCBTMB # 1497, ARCB #P00173, MSBMT #146, FL #50-22757, IIR Phase V, NCRE #0023

Reflex-OIL-ogy™ is also known as ReflexOILogy

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