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Ingham Method® of Reflexology
Taught by the International Institute of Reflexology®

This two day Workshop will give you instruction in the art of Foot Reflexology with an introduction to the anatomy and physiology of every body system.


You will experience just how, where and how long to apply the scientific method of Reflexology to the feet, which cannot be obtained from books alone. These special techniques, when applied to the feet and hands, have a natural way of relaxing nerve tension and improving nerve and blood supply.


Phase I and Phase II Workshops will give you a firm foundation in Reflexology techniques upon which you can build with more specific Reflex-OIL-ogy™ modules.  These two workshops are prerequisites for Phase III, IIR’s advanced Proficiency Workshop. Reflex-OIL-ogy™ modules are Phase V specialty workshops.



PHASE I - 2 day workshop

Learn the Ingham Method® of Reflexology techniques to help yourself, your family and friends. The Ingham Method® is a simple, effective method of helping the whole body in a natural way. These Workshops consist of theory and practical application where you will learn how to properly apply Ingham Method® of Reflexology. We welcome professionals and laymen alike.



The two-day Phase l training workshop, includes the book "Anatomy & Reflexology Helper Areas Study Guide"

Tuition: $400.00 

Deposit of $100.00 reserves your space in class.



PHASE II - 2 day workshop

Refresher of Phase I. Before moving on to Phase III (advanced techniques) you will refresh theory and basic techniques making sure that you are doing them properly before moving on to advanced techniques. This workshop may be repeated as often as you wish.



The two-day Phase ll training workshop

Tuition:  $ 275.00 

Deposit of $100.00 reserves your space in class.



PHASE III - 2 day workshop

  • How to assess the feet and hands including anatomy, conditions and functions.

  • Advanced techniques and perfecting the basic and relaxing techniques.

  • Techniques for working the hands

  • How to give an Ingham Method® of Reflexology Session

  • Preparation for Certification exam / review for Certified members . . . and much more



Tuition: $375.0(first time taking a Phase III class) 

$275 for refresher class

Deposit of $100.00 reserves your space in class.


PHASE IV (Certification Exam)

Must complete the following 200 hour program in order to take the IIR Exam (Minimum requirements):

-- 16 hours - Phase l Workshop

-- 16 hours - Phase ll Workshop

-- 16 hours - Phase lll Workshop

-- 52 hours - Home study of books, study guide and videos

-- 100 hours documented Reflexology sessions on at least 15 people

The certification exam on the Ingham Method® of Reflexology consists of both a written test on the theory and a practical application on an instructor. This exam can be taken at any Phase l & ll Workshop after the completion of all of the above requirements.

Please Note:  Must have attended a workshop within the last 2 years. Contents: WRITTEN: From the Workshops and Textbooks on the Ingham Method® of Reflexology. PRACTICAL: Working on Instructor's feet. Both portions will be corrected, graded and reviewed with student.

Tuition for EXAM: $300


Phase V

The International Institute of Reflexology® continues to sponsor a variety of continuing educational

workshops to enhance your knowledge and expertise in achieving maximum benefits with longer lasting results.

Reflex-OIL-ogy™ of the Body Systems are Phase V Specialty Workshops that will help you focus on each body

system one at a time. Each module teaches more in-depth anatomy and related physiology as well as helping

you to incorporate essential oils and new techniques into your Reflexology business.



The One Day Phase V training workshop

Tuition:  $ 195.00

Deposit of $100.00 reserves your space in class.



For more information on how to become a certified Reflexologist thru the International Institute of Reflexology check out

For more information

Laurie Azzarella (NCBTMB # 1497, ARCB #SA00173, MS #146, FL #50-22757) is the Founder and Executive Director of Reflex-Oil-ogy and has been an Ingham Reflexology Instructor for the International Institute of Reflexology since 1996. She is also a Young Living Essential Oils Diamond Leader and has been sharing essential oils since 2000.  Laurie moved from North Tonawanda, New York to Daphne, Alabama in 1998 where she continued to teach in multiple arenas and massage schools on the Gulf Coast sharing her love of Essential Oils and Reflexology. 


Laurie Azzarella Provider: NCBTMB # 1497, ARCB #P00173, MSBMT #146, FL #50-22757, IIR Phase V, NCRE #0023

Reflex-OIL-ogy™ is also known as ReflexOILogy

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